Moving With PODS – A Practical Guide

Portable on Demand Storage, better known as PODS, is seen as a quick, easy and inexpensive method of storing and moving goods. When you are storing your items, the company gives you a key and only you have access to your container. When you are moving, the company provides you with containers, gives you time to pack and collects it before transporting it to the new destination. However, it can be tricky to choose between the large arrays of companies so the following is a practical guide to picking the best PODS service for moving.

The most obvious step to take when looking for a PODs company is to go online and look at customer reviews. You need a container that has secure locks, is waterproof and is made entirely from steel. It should also be vermin-proofed to stop rats and other rodents from gaining entry. In addition, the container needs to be able to withstand inclement weather conditions with double doors for easy and efficient loading. Does the container prevent goods from breaking and how does it handle warm and humid weather? These are some of the questions you need to ask before placing your goods in any container.

Each container should be completely solid with absolutely no weak spots. It should be virtually impossible for a common thief to break into the container without a huge degree of effort. Above all, you should be able to add additional security locks for extra protection.

When it comes to choosing a PODS storage container, price should be well behind security and reliability on the list of important features but you don’t want to be getting ripped off either. Most consumers will gladly pay extra if they believe their goods are being well looked after. Therefore, you need to look at value for money as opposed to just the cost. Beware companies that charge extremely low prices because they are probably cutting corners somewhere. Perhaps they don’t have qualified movers and drivers and have a patchy past record. As we mentioned above, be sure to look at online reviews before choosing a company.

Find out how the PODS system is moved as it will reveal whether or not fragile goods will be safe during the moving process. There should be no pressure on you to load the container and the company should be open for business 6-7 days a week. One issue with PODS and moving that is often overlooked is the issue of permission. There is the possibility that your neighborhood has restrictions on the size of container that is allowed to be parked in your driveway. Finally, find out how much clearance space a company needs because there is nothing more frustrating than paying for a moving company’s services only to find that their container doesn’t fit outside your home!

Realistically, choosing a reputable self storage company shouldn’t be that difficult but it is an important decision. Being content to leave your goods in the hands of a low quality company could cost you a considerable amount of money in lost or stolen goods so tread carefully and sensibly.

Save 5% off the cost of storage and moving with PODS by using promo code R101 when you reserve your unit.

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