5 Ways to Inject Fun Into the Workplace

Many studies have proven that employees work harder when they’re happy and satisfied with their work. The top companies to work for, with the best efficiency and revenue, all have special ways of increasing employee morale and letting them have some fun on the job. Making work fun isn’t just great for your employees, it’s great for you too, and it helps foster a good working relationship.

Create a break room where the employees can relax. Just because it’s on the office doesn’t mean it has to be dull. The more relaxed your employees are during their break, the more refreshed they’ll feel when they return to work. An employee break room can include a television that has access to streaming video services and cable, and even a few game consoles. This makes it easy for employees to blow off some steam before returning to a difficult task.

Create a system of employee awards. People love being recognized, and you don’t have to recognize them only for their work productivity. You can have an annual awards show for anything from Most Punctual to Best Jokes. Not only does this engage your employees in a fun activity, it also makes them more mindful of how they compose themselves at work. It also shows that you think of your employees as people, not just workers.

Have an office party. Holidays and special occasions are a great time to throw office parties, and even just the simple act of bringing in some cupcakes will brighten everyone’s mood. Remember to always be inclusive in any holiday celebrations so that no one feels left out. Birthdays in particular are a great way to have some lunchtime fun while making your staff feel appreciated.

Go somewhere else. If there’s a special occasion or a meeting that needs to take place, consider taking it out of the office. Employees often get excited about excursions, and their excitement means that they think more and invest more into the discussion. Even having a brief retreat at a beautiful local park may clear their minds and add to their productivity.

Give them goals, and reward them. Some great goals are workplace safety goals and sales and revenue goals. Chart these goals on the wall regularly, so that the employees can see themselves getting closer by the day. Once the goals are met, the office can be rewarded with something simple (like a pizza day) or something complex (such as a profit-sharing initiative).

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