Behind the Curtain: 3 Essential Services to Demystify Your Company’s Online Marketing Campaign


While online marketing can be one of the most profitable channels, many businesses can’t seem to figure out what kind of strategic decisions to make and where their results are coming from. The key to demystifying your online marketing campaign really lies in data, whether you’re relying on SEO or launching an email marketing campaign. Here are 3 essential tools that can help you get the critical data you need.


1. Call Tracking


Ever wonder which of your call campaigns are working? With Active Internet Marketing’s call tracking tool you can. You’ll be able to create multiple phone numbers for all kinds of campaigns from banner ads and PPC to SEO. You’ll see which of your campaigns are creating the phone calls, measure how long people are staying on the call, and even see when they called. You can additionally automate your internet marketing with the same software.


2. Google Analytics


Google Analytics is one of the best tools for tracking traffic data. You’ll be able to see where your traffic is coming from, integrate it into shopping carts to calculate conversion rates, discover trends, and so much more. You should run Google Analytics even if you’re already using an analytics tool. That will allow you to compare the data and get an accurate portrayal of what’s really happening.


3. Social Media


Most online businesses are building social media campaigns blindly. They’re using simple tracking to figure out what’s working and what’s not. There haven’t been many useful social media analytics tools in the past, but now you can use tools like Sprout Social. It helps you measure social media activity, follow trends, get notices of mentions, track subscriber counts, identify winning posts, and more.


Bonus: Heat Map Tracking


According to business expert Michael Myles, The key to making the right changes on a web page lies in understanding visitor behavior. Heat map tracking is the perfect solution to this. You’ll get to see what visitors are paying attention, where they’re clicking, what links are the most popular, the typical visitor path, and more. You can use this data to make changes to improve the user experience and eliminate website elements that are causing visitors to leave.


So those are the essential services that you can use to demystify your company’s online marketing campaign. These tools will allow you to capitalize on what’s working, save money by eliminating failing campaigns, and make better decisions for your future campaigns. The best part is that many of these tools are free. You’ll have to pay to get some advanced features but it’s not necessary to reap the benefits.


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