5 Effective Tips to Increase Job Interview Success

Improving job interviewing skills is necessary to gain an edge when a person is applying for a position at a competitive company. An excellent resume may get you a job interview, but if the interview heads south, your efforts may not pay off. In order to fully prepare for a career interview, it is necessary to obtain more information about the company you are applying to. The more information you can obtain, the better you can prepare for a professional interview that will highlight your assets, your skills and your knowledge of the industry.


1. Review your resume in depth and make sure you are fully aware of the work history, dates and skills listed on your resume. This information will be important to retain if any questions are asked about your resume during an interview. Rehearsing the information aloud will help you to overcome nerves during the interview.


2. Research the company you are applying to in depth. Learn and memorize corporate office information, executive level managers’ names and what the company mission statement is.


3. Speak to someone who is working in the same type of position you are applying for. Knowing what a regular work day looks like will prepare you to effectively answer questions during a job interview that will sound knowledgeable and informed.


4. Show up with a short list of questions to ask the person doing the interview. Insightful and thoughtful questions will make you appear interested, articulate and prepared. Make sure the questions are directly relevant to the role you are applying for.


5. Be prepared to list an accomplishment you have achieved in the past three to five years that will showcase your abilities related to the position. An example of an accomplishment may include organizing a successful fundraiser, creating an advertisement that was used by a well-known company, or implementing a team training program for new business recruits.


Be Prepared to Think On Your Feet


One of the biggest problems people run into during a job interview is they are asked questions that throw them off focus. A job interviewer may ask you what your weaknesses are. Be prepared to give an honest and reasonable answer. Also, be prepared to give an explanation on how you are working to overcome a specific weakness and how you have grown through the process.



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