Are You Making The Right First Impression Every Single Day?

Have you ever wondered what your image is telling people on a daily basis? Are you telling people that you are trustworthy, confident, competent and easily approachable? Or do people feel as though you are indecisive, stressed, unreliable and overwhelmed by life in general.

Take a few minutes to consider how people think about you and write down a few notes. Once you have considered your overall image, read the following tips to help improve the way you project yourself to others on a daily basis.

Analyze Your Clothing

Are the clothes that you wear on a daily basis helping to project an appropriate image? An example of this would be if you are trying to formulate an executive presence in a formal industry are you wearing professional and well-fitted suits? If you want people to see you as a creative individual are you choosing to wear clothing that is going to reflect a unique and individual sense of creativity? If you are looking for help in updating your wardrobe and overall look, you may want to consider the help of a personal shopper.

Roleplay With Verbal Communication

When you first meet someone new, are you able to converse in a clear and professional manner and pace without sounding rushed or sluggish? A good way to ensure you are able to converse professionally is by asking a friend to role-play various scenarios to ensure you are able to create a good first impression.

Non-verbal Communication Evaluation

Are you aware of how good of a handshaker you are? Are you firm or do you have the grasp of a limp fish? Take the time to evaluate non-verbal communication with a friend to ensure you have good eye contact and have a firm handshake and not doing anything that is going to ruin your chances of creating a lasting good first impression.

Equally if the first time someone meets you is on paper, for example, a job application you will want to have a standout resume. A resume should not be a chronology of all the things you’ve done but rather highlight the best bits.

Is It Time For An Attitude Adjustment?

When you meet someone for the very first time, do you stop what you are doing to acknowledge them and smile? Do you focus on them as an individual and give them your full attention? If you are not putting your full attention on them as an individual, you may be doing considerable harm to your image.

Be Critical Of Your Grooming

Take the time to decide if your hair, makeup and overall grooming help to project the image you want to convey? If not, you may need to sit down with a stylist to help create a new image.

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