Studying and working go hand in hand in many parts of the world, and Singapore is a fine example of it. Working a part time job as a full-time college student seems to be the norm in Singapore — and for a good reason. It lets you experience the best of both worlds.
If you are wondering how to find part time job in Singapore, visiting any local job portal online would be a good start. You will be stunned by the extensive range of part-time jobs many companies offer.
However, which kind of job should you go for? It seems to be a question that many students struggle with. To clear up the ambivalence, here we take you through a list of the top 5 part-time jobs for college students in Singapore.
Pay: $24-$40+ /hour
This is the most popular job among Singapore college students. There is a high demand for tutors, especially those who can provide home tuition from primary school level all the way to junior college level. You can find a part-time tutor job via numerous tuition agencies.
Pro tip: If you want to avoid the fee charged by the tuition agencies, you can advertise your services on the internet. Even though it takes longer to find a job that way, you will be saved from agency commissions.
Part-time office jobs
Pay: $6-$10 /hour
Many companies offer part-time jobs on a contractual basis. If you apply for those jobs, not only will you get paid a decent sum of money, but you will also get to experience the real work environment — where you will take up real responsibilities.
You can find such jobs on many job portals in Singapore. Further, subscribe to their newsletters for regular updates so that you always stay on top of your part time job-search goals.
Digital Marketing
Pay: $5-$10 /hour
Digital marketing provides the perfect opportunity for college students to earn a decent income part-time. As one of the trendiest professions right now, there are a wide variety of digital marketing jobs in Singapore, and they are perhaps your easiest option.
To work as a part-time digital marketer, you don’t need any infrastructure. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.
Business Development Associate / Telecaller
Pay: $7-$12 /hour, sometimes with variable incentives.
What if we told you, you can just sit in front of a telephone and talk to strangers over the line to earn a good part-time income? Yes, it is possible.
Being a telecaller is becoming an increasingly popular part-time job in Singapore. And college students are considered the perfect fit for these jobs, as they don’t require a degree. All you need are decent communication skills and the ability to explain the benefits of your employer’s business to potential clients.
Miscellaneous on-campus jobs
Typical pay: $7 / hour
Most universities in Singapore have a variety of on-campus jobs, and many of them are targeted at students with financial needs.
Some of the most popular on-campus jobs include being a library or cafeteria assistant. Further, some on-campus administrative bodies also need human resources to speed up their work. You can apply for these jobs to be financially independent as a college student in the expensive nation of Singapore.