Top 5 Jobs Where You Can Travel and Still Have Fun

If going back to your job after vacation is just a way to get you to the next travel opportunity, maybe you need a job you can have fun at and still travel for on a regular basis. Here’s a look at the top 5:

Travel Agent
Successful travel agents can tell their clients firsthand about the very best places to stay. Despite the popularity of D.I.Y. booking online, travel agents are experiencing renewed growth as customers appreciate the value of the personalized services they provide. How to become a travel agent can be simple.  Strong customer service, computer skills and attention to detail are skills you will need to succeed. You may work for a travel agency, a corporation, or as an independent travel consultant. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), opportunities will be best if you specialize in a particular destination or type of traveler, such as Asian travel or family-friendly destinations. Many vocational schools offer travel agent training, as do some large travel agencies.

Travel Writer
Turn your love of writing and travel into a career writing for travel guides and websites, magazines and promotional materials. Studies in English and in the hospitality field will be helpful, as will internships with travel sites and tourism agencies.

Flight Attendant
Flight attendants provide a safe and comfortable atmosphere for airline passengers. They provide meal and drink service, assure compliance with safety regulations and assist passengers in the event of an emergency or medical problem. You will need a minimum of a high school diploma, but some airlines prefer applicants with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree. Hiring airlines also provide training for required Federal Aviation Administration certification.

English Teacher
Teachers of English as a second language (ESL) are in demand particularly in Asian countries. Many agencies will pay your round-trip travel expenses and some living expenses in addition to your salary. Some European companies employ ESL teachers to help executives polish their skills before an assignment in the U.S. These positions require a Bachelor’s degree. Some schools also offer post-graduate certificate programs in teaching ESL.

Cruise Ship Staff
Cruise ships are like small cities, requiring every type of worker as they travel between exotic ports of call. Nurses, bartenders, recreation directors and cooks are just a few of the workers who enjoy the lifestyle of ocean travel as part of their work.


Author bio:  Karlee Wiggins blogs about travel and jobs.  She enjoys visiting new and exotic places while learning about the culture and local jobs.

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